Welcome to all new members of the $COCA Gang.
We wanted to talk about 3 points that we want to tell you before we get the question from someone else.
Why we didn`t made an ICO? Why we changed the LOGO? aaand how the first Giveaway will be done!
First Question: Why we didn`t made an ICO?
The question that we will probably get is why we didn`t made an ICO in the first place and the answer is really simple: Everyone these days want to Join the ICO`s as an early adopter and using that to sell their investments on Top of other investors and before we get the question as well that we could do a fair launch here the next answer: The fair launches and first investors after the ICO`s are also used to throw their investments on top of other investors as well result of that is a crazy flactuation in price and that is why we used a silent release of the $COKA Token instead. We want to build the GANG organically without bringing investors in early who are being too greedy. We want to have investors in our circle who are believing in our project without thinking about a COPY of another DOGECOIN or SAFEMOON that we are NOT.
Second Question: Why we changed the LOGO?
In addition to the last question we wanted to Explain why we Changed the main Logo to a more simplified Font Version. The Reason is because we don`t want that people think as well that we are a COPY of another DOGECOIN or SAFEMOON that we are NOT. We will be building a whole ECOSYSTEM around $COCA to bring a Community Driven Token a REAL Use Case. You will be see the Roadmap on our Website that will be Released on the 24/05/2021 22 UTC.
Third Question: how the first Giveaway will be done?
The Giveaway will start right after the Release of the Website on the 24/05/2021 22 UTC.
What will be given away? The Biggest Giveaway ever: 1% of the Max. Supply ( $COKA Tokens) which will be given away to 4 Lucky Winners (2.500.000.000.000 $COKA Tokens each).
The Rules:
- Invest 10$ worth of $COKA Token on Pancakeswap V2 and Post it with the next Rule under the Giveaway announcement (Will be Checked on the Live Tracking Website: https://poocoin.app/tokens/0xc728efe8a8115930a9c80bd378f07b15fc59c204 )
- Retweet
- Follow Twitter: https://twitter.com/cocatoken
- Join our Telegram Group: https://t.me/cocatoken and share you`re Telegram @ within the comment.
- @ 5 friends.
- Put you`re Wallet in the Comment.
Example of the Comment:
@friend @friend @friend @friend @friend
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How to buy $COKA
If you want to know where you can buy $COCA Tokens, feel free to join our journey on pancakeswap.v2! (Set slippage to 12)
10% Tax on Transactions:
- 5% will be distributed to Holders
- 5% will be added to Liquidity
Thank you for believing in $COKA.
Let´s BUILT up and Sniff around……..